The Virginia Land Company 

This was once "Virginia" , a massive Territory held in the public interest of the Virginia Land Company formed in 1620. It was a British banking cartel organization that purchased the right to own the land based on treaties, to which gave to the Monarch all "land patents". The King (or Queen) then by law, sold those patents to British Lords, to whom established smaller Plantations, "companies' to which established their territories, to which allowed them to hold a residency of British citizens, to whom could live, work, and entertain themselves within these British colonies.
As they formed their "Colony", the King provided to each individual group of people living on the land a 'charter' - an official document granting, guaranteeing, or showing the limits of the rights and duties of the group to which it is given a contract by which owners of a ship lease it to others, thus creating an arrangement to live and work on the land.
In 1677, they sign the Virginia Treaty, to which allows the Monarchy to regulate, govern over all commercial contracts, in such manner, that regulates all commercial business inside the territory, and all foreign commercial activity outside the territory, leading to new social compacts with the Native Americans, Tribal Nations of the area.

A massive migration of Germans, Ulster-Scots, and Englishmen and women came to the territory, among them, the Pilgrims, to whom landed on Cape Cod. Between the years 1677 to 1777, the residency grew so large, you began to see massive revenues created in the territory, to which Great Britain saw the means to tax, in an effort to manage, and protect its global interests.
You also see a huge birth rate of "American-Born Persons" becoming more independent, and less likely to follow the rules set forth by the established order, and the King made an effort to squash these relatively small rebellions, conflicts in the territory.
In a period following the 7 Years War, between Great Britain, France, and Spain, in an effort to control the continent, in 1763, a new adopted treaty was signed, that realigned territories held by the three countries, Spain grabbed control of Louisiana Territory, while France grabbed some of the Spanish lands in the Caribbean, while the Natives begin to get pushed further to the west.

It led to the "American-born" residents to begin rising up within Virginia Territory aka the Northeastern Territory.

It was also during this period, when Great Britain was beginning to phase out its military conquests of America, downsizing and cutting back spending on their military, while consolidating their interests in the American Colonies, incorporating them as one territory, with the goal of direct taxation, in order create revenues to pay off their debts owed for the French and Indian War prior to 1763, and this led to several riots, and protests to begin.

  • Stamp Act, the British needed to station a large army in North America as a consequence and on 22 March 1765 the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which sought to raise money to pay for this army through a tax on all legal and official papers and publications circulating in the colonies. The British utilized this army to defend and protect the colonies, to which they felt they owed, and pledged their support;
  • The Declaration Act, which followed the repeal of the Stamp Act, maintained the fact, that Great Britain had the authority to establish policy, tax, and defend their interests in the Colonies despite the fact that Early Americans were also Establishing their own Colonized Governments to do the same - Great Britain had a duty to defend, and promote policies of their Parliament abroad, and to defend their British Subjects;
  • Townshend Acts were adopted by Parliament, with the goal of adopting policies, of which to govern over the American Colonies, to help pay for the expenses paid for by the British citizens back home, they initialized taxes on glass, paper, lead, paint, and tea, as the American conducted trade practices, of which helped the British protect their citizens, institutions, thus protect their own interests in the colonies;
  • And finally, the Intolerable Acts were adopted by Great Britain of which was adopted by Great Britain in 1773 and 1774, of which followed specific acts of several colonies adopting acts that denounced the Crown Charters, hence Great Britain began adopting administrative acts to protect British Interests, Subjects, Generals, Officers, and Other Properties that now were seemingly placed in a hostile militarized territory.

By 1776, these Americans led an effort to adopt their Declaration for Independence, a list of simple resolutions attempting to make peace between Great Britain, and themselves.

What the Declaration did was simply give these 'people' the right to declare themselves equal to the king, giving them the ability to self govern themselves on the land, freeing themselves from British regulations, taxes, and other rules...

In 1777, these Colonists formed their Continental Congress, giving them a central group of people to negotiate with the Monarch.

They adopt Thomas Jefferson's "Ordinance, known as the 1777 Ordinance, to which created a set of rules to plan, zone, and establish an administrative set of rules to form future "States' within the Virginia Territory (northeast). It allowed the colonists to establish firm boundaries between government territory and the estates, privately held land within the territory itself, while reserved specific lands for public education, green space, and science.

They were not trying to separate from the King, other than working with the King to give to themselves the right to self govern their own activities, while working with the King to raise their own taxes, to which would allow them to control their own payment to the king.

They first had to amend their 'charters', by rewriting them, forming now "State Constitutions", thus redefining their territories.

A State, as per Roman Law, came to refer to the legal standing of persons (such as the various "estates of the realm" – noble, common, and clerical), and in particular the special status of the king. The highest estates, generally those with the most wealth and social rank, were those that held power. Those "persons" that bind themselves to the state. A state is a political entity that regulates society and the population within a territory. Government is considered to form the fundamental apparatus of contemporary states.

Members of the "State" (status persons) include - Governor, Lt. Governor, Treasurer, Auditor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Public Lands and School Commissioner, Public Utilities Commissioner, State Legislators, Supreme Court Justices, Circuit Court Judges, County Commissions, Sheriffs, Auditors, Treasurers, District Attorney, Public Defender, Coroner, Township Boards, Clerks, Secretaries, Constables, County and Precinct Committeemen and Women, and finally the "Qualified Voters". These are all "Legal Status Persons" of a "State"

America was built by upholding, and maintaining the Estates once held by British Subjects, the Monarch, and ruled by the Holy Roman Emperors. The Realm is a country ruled by a King or Queen, an Estate is a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals.

Also, in the year 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, thus establishing the United States of America, a group of 'liberalized' States (people) now ruling themselves under their recently adopted constitutions. In this document, they created the compact that they would uphold all prior treaties, compacts, land covenants, engagements, while agreeing to defend each other against foreign enemies, both foreign and domestic, while adopting a set of rules concerning monetary, defense, immigration, and foreign affairs.

Each "State" now has its own government, an elected Governor, typically would have been an attorney, bound to Great Britain, while this 'people' then would elect a Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General, Land Commissioner, School Commissioner, to each hold an "Official Office", of whom each had their own responsibility.

Within a few short years, in 1783, the United States, Great Britain, the Monarchy, the Holy Roman Empire sit down in Paris, to adopt a new treaty, to which the "Americans" now would have the liberty to be known as their own "Country" to which is bound by treaty, to their own affairs on the land to which promises to uphold all former compacts, engagements, and land covenants.

Great Britain never lost its control, they simply had to negotiate with the American People through their Appointed President (1 year terms), to whom was elected by the Continental Congress, to whom were elected/chosen by the State Legislatures, to whom control their national government.

We had promised that the "States" themselves would adopt their own rules, ordinances, and taxes, in order to pay off all restitutions due to all British Landowners (estates), royalties to those same British lords, and take over, and make payments on all British Debts, Liabilities, and Expenses owed, thus carrying forward all monies owed to the Virginia Land Company, the Bank of London, and to the King (or Queen).

When this plan was not working very well, Great Britain decided to coax the "Americans" into establishing a more permanent, centralized government, thus adopting a new "charter" to which would become known as the U.S Constitution.

I would give to each Sovereign State, a representative known as U.S Senators, to be appointed by the Legislatures themselves, in 3 classes, each to take office every two years (1789, 1791, 1793) to each serve up to 6 years so long as they do their job well.

The Qualified Voters of each State then got to equally elect their representatives to Congress, to whom every two years, could vote to keep, or remove their representatives.

An Electoral College of Delegates elected by both the Legislature and the Qualified Voters of each state got to cast official ballots for someone to act as the President of the United States outside of Congress, while Congress only job was to set the time, place, and manner of holding this "national election" of the President, U.S Senators, and U.S Representatives.

The States maintained their ability to control their own elections, but Congress could set forth the timing of, date of, and manner of.

From 1763 to 1793, a thirty year period, we were establishing our Country, bound to an Administrative Unit of Government, bound to all treaties, land covenants, promises, engagements, debts.

All Northern States became bound to these sets of rules, while some Americans moved to the south, to form their own plantations, republics, under their own rules, to which by the period of 1860 to 1880, Great Britain came back to them under the same Administered rules, and compacts as the northern states, convincing congress to adopt the Organic Act to Create a Government for the District of Columbia, thus creating a United States Land Company.

Folks, the United States of America is really, Virginia, bound to the Bank of London, the Monarch, and to the Holy Roman Empire.

Rome became "the Church", and London became "the Bank" to whom controls the United States Land Company, to whom manages over the 50 States under an Administrative Organization, to which controls all commerce in the States today.

Think about it, there is NO Separation of Church and State. They are two in the same, we "ordain" our laws, codes, and promises, while we celebrate, and crown our leaders as self appointed royal ambassadors of our "States".

What Really Changed Since 1783?