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Kristi Noem’s Plan to Enforce, and Defend,and Expand the National Border, by expanding, and maximizing the South Dakota Prison System to house violent, and convicted criminals such as terrorists, rapists, and gang members.
In 2021, Kristi Noem first committed fifty South Dakota guard troops to the southern border when Texas Governor, Greg Abbot declared a state of emergency at the border.
Noem said on Tuesday in a statement that she was responding to his request for assistance in responding to “ongoing violations of state and federal law by illegal aliens crossing the unsecured border”.
This was the first attempt, at states coming to each other's defense to perform a job that would help to restrict, and arrest violent migrants coming across the border, helping to entrap, detain, and arrest immigrants that have illegally come across our border.
As early as the year 2020, Kristi Noem has politically campaigned and urged support of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising campaign funds and awareness for Trump’s America First policies, mainly to build up and strengthen our military, and to close the border.
On March 20, 2023, the governor had sent out a media release that mentioned that she was signing into law, State prison funding, and criminal justice bills that had recently been adopted by the South Dakota legislature.
Beginning on July 1, 2023, the state government would begin to enforce laws that would modify the court's authority to commit habitable juvenile offenders to the department of corrections, revised certain provisions regarding the reimbursement of county expenses in detaining parole violators, limits parole for violent offenders, a board of a school district to adopt policies regarding students who are registered sex offenders, and finally, established mandatory sentences for certain driving while under the influence violations.
All throughout the past eighteen months, the S.D governor has campaigned alongside Donald Trump to utilize and take advantage of using federal and state law enforcement agencies to help protect, defend, and seek to entrap, detain, and arrest undocumented migrants.
As per an news article written by Jasmine Garsna of N.P.R on November 1, 2024, The former president has said that in order to deport over 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S., he'd invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, deploy troops to the border using the Insurrection Act and mobilize local police.
And while legal scholars had questioned the feasibility of the first two options, they say the last one, using local law enforcement agencies to question and detain undocumented immigrants, is a more likely scenario.
That is where South Dakota governor Kristi Noem comes into play today.
The governor over the previous three years, has often traveled the country to help promote this idea of expanding state and local law enforcement agencies, to expand state prison systems, with the goal to better maintain, build up, and create more beds for state prisons, while promoting the idea of creating the plan to construct new prisons.
On January 12, 2022, the governor's office issued a Statewide Facility Plan, first put out by the Department of Corrections, that sought out to protect the citizens of South Dakota by providing safe and secure facilities for juvenile and adult offenders committed to our custody by the courts, to provide effective community supervision to offenders upon their release and to utilize evidence-based practices to maximize opportunities for rehabilitation.
All this alongside communities such as the City of Sioux Falls who had been working simultaneously to expand and build up the military defense system within their own jurisdictions, in the name of defense, cyber security, and law enforcement.
Beginning in its fiscal year 2023, the City of Sioux Falls and Dakota State University had been forming a partnership to build up and create a cyber research center in the city.
A 100,000-square-foot Sioux Falls facility will be able to house approximately 400 researchers in its location near the Sanford Sports Complex, and in conjunction with facilities in Madison they will create a cyber-research hub that will support important national security research with government, military, business, and industry partners.
This hub of cyber defense facilities had promised to be a strong, emerging industry for the state of South Dakota, and had hired former city attorney, Stacey Kioostra as well.
All this, in conjunction with the statewide facility plan, which focuses on its study, aims to provide a roadmap for the South Dakota Department of Corrections (SDDOC) with respect to meeting their current and future facility demands.
The projection models employed for this Master Plan indicate that the overall
population size will continue to see a moderate increase. Projecting to year 2041, the
SDDOC system may need to house between 3,145 and 3,307 males, and between 525
and 552 females. This results in the State needing to provide between 3,932 and 4,134
total beds systemwide,
On February 16, 2022, announced that Kellie Wasko will be serving as the new Secretary of Corrections, effective March 7, 2022,
“Kellie will bring an abundance of experience and a steady hand to the South Dakota Department of Corrections,” said Governor Noem. “Her experience in corrections reform and her career-long work on correctional healthcare make it clear that she will prioritize the health and safety of both our corrections officers and the men and women confined at our facilities. We are excited to welcome her to the team and to South Dakota.”
This move by the governor, hinted at the fact, several policy changes were looming in the months ahead, leading to reduction of staff, and searching for a new warden that would help to enforce these policy changes.
After Secretary Wasko’s arrival many policy changes were introduced and far too many noticeable negative behaviors and incidents have occurred under her watch. Even with the negative publicity and with continuing and growing problems, we are headed down the same path that she has set us on. Corrections Officers are now afraid to work in many areas of the prison and staff are leaving.
And through all this, the statewide plan called for a new maximum correctional facility is now planned near the municipalities of Harrisburg and Canton just south of Sioux Falls.
This plan involves adding more than 1,300 new beds, to replace the State Prison in Sioux Falls, while building up and adding other securities, services, and benefits to the State.
In Harrisburg, at the urging of voters, the city council had voted to not accept the location of the facility, and the Lincoln County commission had voted to request a judge to rule on whether or not the state could decide the location of a state prison with or without the approval and input and local review.
Those who live near the proposed prison site south of Harrisburg organized as a nonprofit called “Neighbors Opposed to Prison Expansion” The landowners say they weren’t consulted, that their property values will fall and that the area lacks the infrastructure to manage what will essentially amount to a small town, rapidly erected on cropland encircled by gravel roads and neighbored by little more than other cropland and rural acreages.
One of the largest voices against the Lincoln County location, has been state legislator Kevin Jenson, of Canton, S.D has stated often, going against the wishes of the voters, local officials, gives the wrong impression, urging lawmakers to oppose the plan itself.
"Do you want your name on that bill for the next election cycle?" says Kevin Jenson.
If the State Government so chooses to take this property, in favor of a new state prison without the consent of the people, it may find itself in violation of the State Constitution.
Private property shall not be taken for public use, or damaged, without just compensation, which will be determined according to legal procedure established by the Legislature. Article 6, Section 13
All while the original State Prison was put up to a public vote of the people, allowing counties, and cities to nominate themselves, in a public contest, to choose the site.
So what is causing such a mad rush to get this project done now, rather than allowing the legislative process, the people, and local authorities to lead discussion forward, in the name of due process?
Most importantly, with the election of Donald Trump, he has chosen Governor Kristi Noem to become his Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
The governor, in her public state of address to the legislature, had said she would like to push the expansion now, getting the facility, the prison system expanded starting by April of 2024, but the only way to do this, would be by declaring a state of emergency.
This leads some to believe that this new facility and expansion of our state prison system, may be in large part, attached to a more federalized plan to enforce, and defend the national border, leading to a large group of people being entrapped, arrested, detained.
Keep in mind, the state constitution gives to the legislature very small, limited criteria to call for, and declare a state of emergency, mainly in the name of the public peace, the health or safety of the state, or in support of the state government and its existing institutions.
If the legislature chooses to go down that path, it would have to immediately, by means of the state affairs committees in both the State House and Senate, hold meetings, allowing the people, state officials, officers, department of correction staff to come forward to provide their opinion, in order for the legislature to determine the emergency, or cause for such event. Furthermore, it would require no less than 47 S.D House Members to vote in favor of, and another 24 S.D Senators to vote in favor of moving this forward in such a manner.
Is this the direction the “State” wants to go, to take land without the consent of the people? It would set a very dangerous precedent, one to violate local control.
And in a state where the “voters” had just voted in defense of property rights in the last general election, you are placing many legislators, new and old, in a huge dilemma.
In her December 2024, State Address to the S.D Legislature, the governor had reported that the State Prison is in disrepair, is in bad shape, and is falling apart.
However, despite a very small part of the State Prison in Sioux Falls being 140 years old, much of the facility is in fantastic shape, and has been well maintained, upgraded, and serviced. Just a small part of the prison had been built prior to 1885, a very small part.
If the State Prison needs to be expanded, the “State Department of Corrections” owns land just to the north of the Jamison Annex, near the diversion channel, 28 acres in fact. We do not need to add 1,372 beds, unless one is expecting a huge influx of criminals, terrorists, illegal migrants being arrested, detained, and housed. And if that is the plan, it has not yet been told to S.D Citizens, the voters, not even our elected officials, representatives.
Do we really want to steal property from the People of South Dakota, literally, the Governor wants to take $200 million dollars of Unclaimed Property proceeds to move this project forward today, while placing the S.D Treasury in a bad position tomorrow.
All the while, there is no plan to pay for operational costs annually, paying for roads around the facility, let alone, we are giving the State Government, mainly the “treasury” a blank check to pay for, and fund the project, the infrastructure, roads, and operational costs in the years ahead. And that, alone, sets a very bad precedent.
If this is in fact a “Federal” operation, then one would ask, why is the federal government not paying for it, and why are South Dakota taxpayers being asked to fund this project?
If this is truly a South Dakota issue, then allow the Counties, the Local Governments, the Voters have say on what they want, how much they want to spend, and where they wish to place a new state prison.
And finally, a new state prison is not even necessary, we have several facilities throughout the state, and part of the original plan was to spend $300 million to invest in each facility, improving them, and making them better, and that should be put back on the table.
In the end, this is a topic for all 900,000+ Citizens of the State, and one county, Lincoln County should not be forced to have such a facility being shoved down their throats.
Lincoln County has a population of 73,000 citizens, and they are being asked to literally pay for, in the form of property devaluation, the full costs of this 1,372 bed facility.
This is a statewide issue, if the “State” wants to expand its prison system, then take to the people, allow all 900,000 citizens to share in the overall opinion, on what they want. Let them decide where to place it, how much to pay for it, and how to move forward.
The State Treasurer would play a huge role if Governor Kristi Noem is able to convince the South Dakota Legislature to adopt, and put into effect, her “Emergency Act” to begin a new project, building out the 1,372 Bed State Prison.
As per public law, the State Treasurer has the sole responsibility of being in charge of, and safely keeping all public monies paid into the “treasury”.
Once the S.D Legislature approves of, and apportions the $825,000,000 million dollars, setting aside previous revenues collected, the treasurer is then given the duty to establish a public account in the name of the project. In this case, the State Prison Facility in Lincoln County.
Because of the fact, the “State” aka the People of South Dakota hold all ‘title and deed” to all land subdivided, and recorded in each legislative created “county” - the State owns the land, of which it leased to the farmers, to who used the land, to which, they have paid ‘taxes’ into the county treasuries. Those taxes were then set aside for public schools, in order to provide public education.
And because previous Legislators had adopted a plan to construct a new State prison, the law went into effect allowing the Department of Corrections to spend the money on the project, to select a site, and begin the project once approved by, and enacted by the legislature.
Over the previous twelve months, the legislature appropriated tax revenues to be deposited into the “treasury” set aside for the State Prison Project”, and now with the next legislative session, the state government, led by the governor, will lobby lawmakers for permission to spend the money.
Governor Kristi Noem had given a financial report to the 2025 Legislature, that funds held by the State Treasurer are now available to begin the project.
The full power of the State Treasurer can be found under S.D.C.L 1-10, to which the office is tasked to provide to the “governor” a public report of the “Public Account” titled State Prison Project.
No money may leave this public account, without warrants drawn by the proper officer, in this case, the Director of Corrections - and if the S.D Legislature approves of and adopts a appropriation bill this January, and by way of a “state emergency”, the Treasurer would be lawfully bound to
deliver payment to pay for cash receipts provided by the Director of Corrections.
Beginning in April of 2025, the State Treasurer would keep a checkbook, in order to provide back to the Governor a statement of all expenses paid, and to whom the money was paid to - the general contractors performing the work.
And because as per the wishes of the Governor, $200,000,000 million of the proposed cash will come out of the Unclaimed Property Fund, money owed by the state, to the citizens hereto are subject to the money, the State Treasurer would then be tasked to balance out the “Unclaimed Property Account” in order to forward the claims to the rightful person(s).
That folks, subjects the State Treasurer to a “Debt Obligation”, showing as a liability on the books, to which causes further, future taxes to be appropriated back to the Unclaimed Property Department.
The “Treasurer” then restricts money from other public accounts, to offset, and pay for the claims upon the citizens making such claims in the future.
Because this is being done by an “Emergency Act”, the legislature will have to resolve this issue, prior to, and during debates on the appropriation bill.
If the South Dakota legislature gives the Governor her special request to begin this project, the State Treasurer holds all the power to manage this project over the next twelve to eighteen months.
If you have any money owed to you during this period, that money is being taken from you by force of law, giving to the treasurer the ability to take funds from another public account, to pay your claim, creating a debt.
Please, Lobby Your Legislator(s) to Convince them to NOT Allow this to Occur.
The State Treasurer is to maintain accurate public records of all funds, under the owner's name, last known address, and the source of the 'property'
The State Treasurer is to publish the public record at least once each year in order to locate and search the owner of the property
The State Treasurer must at the time of a claim being made, must validate the owners name, identification, to ensure the rightful owner or heir is able to freely reclaim their property.
However, those funds are still owed to the rightful owner, or their heirs upon legal claim - making such funds a liability of the state.
From my experience in the Automotive Industry, residing in a "Family Small Business" (repair facility) I have learned how these funds actually work...
Being involved with the public, as our customer's drop off their vehicles on our property for repairs, we inspect, diagnose, and repair your vehicle, charging for our time and the parts sold to you. IF, we call you, and request payment for services rendered, and if five (5) days go by with no response from you, your property (the vehicle) is considered abandoned property. As a repair facility, 'we' now get to request ownership information from the "state", giving us the ability to send you a 30-Day Letter - in this letter we must provide you the location the vehicle is stored, the amount of the repair bill, and we must notice the amount of 'storage' to be collected while the vehicle(s) remain on our property. You then have up to 30 days to reclaim your property, by first paying off the debt owed to the repair facility. If you do not, 'we' as the repair facility have the right to purchase the "Title" of your vehicle, giving us the right to auction the vehicle off the highest bidder. If "we' sell your vehicle for more than the amount owed, we must then report the excess amount to the Unclaimed Property Division. If we do not collect the full amount owed to us upon selling the vehicle at auction, the repair facility holds the remaining balance owed in your name, giving us the right to settle the balance in court.
Towing Companies upon towing your vehicle left on public highways and streets work in the same manner...
Simply put, if you know you have any money owed to you held by the State, make you claim it prior the three years...
What does it Mean to Adopt a Law into Public Law by Emergency?
The South Dakota legislature often passes many proposed legislative actions by emergency action. When these actions are passed in this manner, and signed by the governor, they become law right away, and go into effect immediately.
Due to the Enacting Clause as per Article III, Section 18, all such acts adopted by the legislature, cannot go into effect prior to 90 days after the legislative session ends.
In South Dakota, the legislative session runs from from January 15 to March 15, whereas, the governor reads all acts adopted, signing them into law, going into effect July 1.
Because of Article VI, Section 1, which says no law can go into effect without the consent of the governed, with the word “governed” being defined as All 900,000+ citizens. Meaning, if at least one citizen objects, they have April 1 through June 30th to petition the voters to refer the ‘act’ to a public vote, which the “state” would have to hold a special election within 60 days of the filing date, which would be October 1 and/or the General Election in even numbered years.
In South Dakota, no law may go into effect without the enacting clause, which much say:
Be it Enacted by the People of South Dakota if adopted directly by the “People”, or for those acts adopted by the Legislature, it must read Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota. To which, neither may go into effect until July 1st in ensuing months.
In order for the Legislature to propose, and pass a law by means of “Emergency Action”, they must first meet very specific criteria as established in Article III, Section 1:
Preservation of the Public Peace, Health or Safety, Support of the State Government and its existing Public Institutions.
To be considered as an “Emergency” the legislative act must within its preamble, or within the body of the act, declare and express the manner of the emergency being supported.
Passing a state law by using the Emergency Clause means that a law is enacted to take immediate effect upon being signed by the Governor, thus fast tracking the ‘proposed’ act through both Chambers of the Legislature, by each obtaining two-thirds of each house.
The S.D House of Representatives would have have to be supported by 47 of 70 members
The S.D State Senate would have to be supported by 24 of 35 members.
Since the Emergency Act would affect the entire “State” these types of ‘acts’ would have to be debated within the State Affairs Committee of each Legislative Chamber.
The purpose of a legislative committee is to allow for the appointed legislative members to review specific issues, debate, investigate and to report on the proposed legislation.
The purpose of the State Affairs Committee is to refer to all proposed acts relating to the organization of the executive branch of state government; policy decisions of overriding state concern; public employees; workers’ compensation; public fiscal administration; veterans and military affairs.
The House State Affairs Committee has 13 members, and must get 7 votes to approve, whereas the Senate State Affairs Committee has 9 members, and must get 5 votes.
During each “Committee Hearing” - public officials, officers, and the general public are all invited to attend these hearings, in order to voice their support for, or lack of support.
If passed by each chamber, and supported by the governor, these acts go into effect as soon as possible, giving the ‘executive departments’ the ability to begin funding the proposed program(s), to carry out, and execute the plan.
In the example of the new State Prison being proposed in Lincoln County, which requires both the financing, and the approval of the location, and knowing, the Governor wants to fund such infrastructure project by April of 2025, I suspect it will be done by “Emergency Action in “Support of State Government” in the name of keeping the “public peace”.
Which begs to ‘ask the question’, what is the real intent of building a new state prison?
If members of the legislature wish to declare this construction project as an Emergency, then what is the emergency, and what real reason do they want to leave the State Pennintary in Sioux Falls. The governor in her public address made the claim the Sioux Falls location is old, is falling apart, and is too small…
However, the current location in Sioux Falls is not in ruin, can be expanded to make for more space, and is still in good shape. It would be cheaper to invest in upgrades.
What is the emergency being sought? Governor Kristi Noem has been chosen to lead the Federal Department of Homeland Security, and she may be leaving by January 20, 2025. Are the two related, and would the new State Prison be used as a Deportation Center?
If not, then what is the big hurry in rushing this project to begin by April of 2025.
"South Dakota’s legislature will soon convene to address issues impacting residents statewide. Unfortunately, this body isn’t representative of the state’s population and includes several unusual figures who likely wouldn’t survive a fully competitive election in which all voters could participate." - Joe Kirby
We, the people of South Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberties, in order to form a more perfect and independent government, establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and preserve to ourselves and to our posterity the blessings of liberty, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the state of South Dakota.
The American Government was Patterned After the Ancient Israelite Form of Government - a Republic
AMERICA was put together in the same format as Moses installed the Israelite Governing Process, from the bottom, to the top, all to be UNDER THE HOUSE OF GOD.
The S.D Legislature much like your City Councils at the local level, are not above the people, it is the other way around, in a true REPUBLIC, which means the PUBLIC THING (The Law) the PEOPLE are above their Government, and the People stand "Under God".
When the Arch-Angel Lucifer fell from Heaven, it was God's way of punishing him, because he placed himself ABOVE the House of God, and that upsets the entire apple card.
Under the "true" Israelite Governing Process which was put together by Moses as a True Republic - it went like this:
HOUSE OF GOD (God Spoke through him by means of the Tabernacle)
- Moses was the Chosen Leader (Executive);
- Aaron became God's Chosen Public Speaker of the Word of God
The People therefore govern over their Tribal Territories by means of Elected and Appointed Persons called Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Of which allow the People to work through those committees/commissions the process of appointing, and electing the following: Executive, Vice-Executive, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Land Commissioner...
Those Appointed or Elected Persons "act" as the Government Officials Administering and Managing the Government.
Furthermore, the People then elect their Tribal Councils, Territorial Legislatures, and a National Legislature. Each Level Beneath the one who Created them.
LUCIFERIANS think the opposite, they think of themselves as ABOVE THE LION aka House of God. This would be the Zionist Political Movement, the Global Association of Financiers, World Leaders, etc.
The American State Republics are like the 12 Tribes of Israel - they act as a loose Confederation of Member Tribal People, each with their own government, activities and section of land. They act as the United States, just as the 12 Tribes acted as the Nation of Israel.
In a true Republic is beneath the HOUSE OF GOD to whom is the Supreme Being, the Ultimate Sovereign Authority, to whom delegated to the "People" certain unalienable rights, to which allows them to move freely upon the land, governing over their own activities acting as "Individual Republics" to which act together as a Nation of People Under the House of God.
America was put together exactly the same way, as the People of South Dakota are just one 'Tribe of Americans" to whom they self govern themselves, but appoint, and elect their national leaders to which 'act' as the Nation of States" to which we call ourselves the United States of America. Under the House of God - the American People have laid their Foundation, to which to reside by, work by, and congregate by.
America was put together by a variance of people, by means of creating territories, bound to treaties, charters, and the constitution. But little is known about the origins of these territories, and the agreements made by charter. But as we discover new truths, we find the proper pathway to what became the United States of America. Click Google Document Below:
Jesus was sent by God to provide the word of God to the people by interacting with people, and speaking to them in their own language. In the beginning was the word.
That word was with God, who spoke only through the prophets, then who further spoke to the people. Sometimes these prophets became manipulative, leading the people to a life of misdeeds and sin.
To which God had to utilize his own powers to change the course of events to steer the people back to the right path. God then decides to work the ultimate miracle, provide to the people his true power, implant himself in a Virgin, to whom will bare a son, to whom will allow God to comingle on earth side by side with people as equals seeing for himself what is being done on earth, to better understand why people turn to a life of sin.
He speaks to the people using parables, stories to which the people can now relate to. Presenting to the people how to steer away from a life of sin, and to provide them with all good things that will come from their actions if they change their ways in the future. He further conducted miracles to help show the people how God manipulates nature, to present a narrative of how forgiving God can be if all the people do is ask him.
And lastly, God chose his Disciples, rather than prophets, this time, to go out and walk with the people, to help educate them, inform them, and help people understand the meaning of the Word of God.
The word was always with God. God merely came down to earth to provide that word to the people directly to be with his flock, thus walking with them to present meanings and examples of what the Word means.
I also believe God had to lock out the Jews from the City of David forever. Destroy the Jewish Temple, cause they began to worship it as a form of Idol Worship. So he allowed the Romans to build the Temple of Jupiter on the spot.
While giving to the Ishmaelites, Edomites, the Arabs the Land today, planting their seed in Canaan, building the Dome on the higher portion of Zion.
He sent the Tribes out across Europe. Africa, and Asia providing them a new Beginning. In the end. They will establish New Zion in a foreign land.
We Patriots are creating an excellent plan to Restore the Republic of Free States, where the People control the United States Government. “WE” are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, many of us are all have common ancestors to the 12 Germanic Tribes that once called the Country of Pomerania home – a country so massive, that today, includes parts of, or all of Mecklenburg (Germany), Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the Baltic States, Sweden, Norway, all with strong connections to Germany itself..
We are a culture of people born of Pommerian Farmers of who came to the United States between 1830 and 1920 settling in Dakota Territory, while under our temporary government, formed Counties, to which under them, we formed Homesteads, Farm-steads, townships, and other colonies of people, whereas our religious protestant faith, led to forming the ideal core values of the Republican Party (1848), whereas by 1889, the States of South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana were formed..
If you track America’s Ancestry, you will find that much of the Northern States stretching from Wisconsin in the east, to as far as Oregon and Washington in the far west all share this common ancestry and you will discover the main reasons why these “States” seemingly will unite together, establishing a coalition, a “Confederacy of Member-States” with the one goal of Restoring the Republic to Save America.
You owe your allegiance to a Group of People called the Ulster Scots – who rose up during the Revolutionary War, proclaiming their Sovereignty, standing up against the King of England, whereas they further, stood up again during the War of 1812, and it was one of them, Francis Key, who written the words to the Star Spangled Banner, becoming our “National Anthem” in the early 1930’s.
We declare ourselves Sovereign, taking no Allegiance to NO KING or QUEEN, let alone Form of Government, “WE” are “States of People” to which stand united – Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
We will reconnect under a Political Action Committee under the name “We the People to Save the Republic Political Action Committee”
- It starts with organizing under the Counties by holding Precinct Committees.
- It then goes to a convention where we can choose, and pick our At Large Representatives – Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Treasurer, Land Commissioner, U.S Senator, and “our” Elector for the President and Vice President.
- Draw up a Resolution to Hold a “Special Election” unless the next General Election is within 30 days of choosing those Persons. Since this is 2024, “WE” will utilize the General Election to place our “Choices” on the Ballot come November 2024.
- By S.D Law, those At-Large Reps take office in January of 2025, whereas, “Our” Elector for President goes to the Convention to cast his “Ballot” one for President, and one for VIce President in December 2024, of which we shall place our “guy” on those ballots.
- By means of the Precinct Strategy, “WE” will put our people in “Official Offices” of which govern over the “state government” and of which our “Rightful Choice for President” will govern over the Federal Government in our “Image”.
Our immediate goal is for a majority of states to have 30,000 people signed up to support their Restored Republic. Then lawful elections will be held to fill the vacancies left behind by the Corporation. Our goal: To rebuild our Republic in the image that our Founding Fathers first established.
Every American must comprehend that the pathway back to restoration of America is their involvement and support of their Republic interim government. According to the Northwest Ordinance every state must have 30,000 people represented by each state Republic. Your first step to supporting your Republic is to sign up for our free email list. That one act indicates that you accept the Republic as your lawful government.WHAT RESPONSIBILITIES DO PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN HAVE?
- Attend Central Committee meetings.
- Become a voter registrar and recruit new voters.
- Circulate petitions for candidates prior to the primary.
- Canvass your precinct in support of our candidates.
- Promote strong election ethics.
- Recruit poll for election day and early voting.
- Educate, Inform, work with the voters connecting them to representatives.
- Be an advocate for the interests of the voters in your precinct.
- Discuss, Adopt Resolutions, Initiatives, and Choose At-Large Representatives
Make Sure You're Registered to Vote in Preparation for the Next Federal, State, and Local Elections!
Who we are
The Minnehaha County Republicans are an active network of conservative-first grassroots individuals committed to our God-given freedoms as outlined by our forefathers and their commitment to Christian values and their trust in Him.
The Minnehaha County Republicans unwaveringly support the United States Constitution, the South Dakota State Constitution and the South Dakota Republican platform.
We strive to actively support platform upholding candidates, through educating and activating “we the people”. We work to foster community by building awareness through our locally held educational and GOP events & outreach.
We actively work at and maintain a strong political presence within Minnehaha County and throughout the state of South Dakota, diligently working to thwart the efforts of those that would see our God-given rights stripped away.