The History
Henry Brockhouse, as a resident and Businessman from West Sioux Falls, and of whom owned and played an active role in the business community in Sioux Falls, owned the West Sioux Hardware Store, and was a partner in the Jack and Jill Grocery.
From 1940 to 1970, he amassed one of the largest collections of Natural Wildlife collections of Animal Mounts, mostly of animals of which have since become extinct.
By 1980, upon his death, the People of Sioux Falls wished for, and desired to preserve his legacy, and raise money to take ownership of, and hold his Taxidermy collection as a public asset, building an addition to the Great Plains Central Plains Zoo.
In the Spring of 1984, the Delbridge Natural Wildlife & History Museum Opened to the Public, providing to future generations an avenue to become educated, informed, and learning of these Endangered Species.
The Mission, and Cause
in supporting and attempting to keep the Brockhouse Family Taxidermy from being surplused by the City of Sioux Falls, and while most are simply trying to keep the public museum active -
Some in our community only wish to keep them intact and left as part of one museum, one location, and owned by the City of Sioux Falls themselves, for future generations.
forced to acknowledge and respond to petitions from ordinary persons, officials become better informed and must openly defend their positions, enabling voters to pass a more informed judgment.
The right to petition should be contrasted with the right to instruct. A right of instruction permits a majority of constituents to direct a governing body to vote a particular way, while a right of petition assures merely that government officials must receive arguments from members of the public.
The South Dakota Constitution upholds, and protects this Uniformed, and Common Right
Article 6, Section 4 reads as follows - The right of petition, and of the people peaceably to assemble to consult for the common good and make known their opinions, shall never be abridged.
Article 6, Section 5 goes on to read the following - Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. In all trials for libel, both civil and criminal, the truth, when published with good motives and for justifiable ends, shall be a sufficient defense. The jury shall have the right to determine the fact and the law under the direction of the court.
The Rights Reserved to the People!

Join Our Mission to Save the Henry Brockhouse Natural Wildlife Collection!
A Group of Concerned Citizens of the City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota are attempting to organize, and bring together the voters with the intent to hold public meetings, with the intent of discussing publicly, and to share, and voice their opinions of how to proceed forward. The goal is to petition the voters by placing on a future ballot to instruct the “City” to not surplus the taxidermy, to maintain public ownership of the Animals, to repair, and refurbish the Animals, and to make keep the Animals on Public Property, allowing for the “City” to appropriate future revenues to maintain, preserve, and uphold the original terms of the gifting agreement, with the goal of keeping them in a publicly owned museum within the city limits.
Our Story
As We Discuss the Future of the Brackhouse Animal Collection - we have to remember, there are so many emotions being built up in people, things get said that may, or may not be true. We have to remember, "we" are all part of the same community and "we" all have a passion, a love for, and want the best for this museum.
As Many of you know, we have such a strong passion for the City of Sioux Falls, but it goes more than that, as a lifetime resident of West Sioux Falls, we want what is best for this city.
What began as a mission more than 30 days ago, to discover the truth, the facts, the real evidence behind what is occurring at the Great Plains Central Plains Zoo and the Delbridge Museum, we are seeing such passion from within the community for those animals, that things often get said about each other, that sometimes, when it is all said and done, are not always true. That is how rumors begin.
West Sioux Falls in itself is one big colony of people, who have origins and ties to our ancestors of all who came from the old country - we are a community of Pomeranian Group of Farmers, who came to America to start a new life, business, and family.
We are a Group of People of whom can tie our ancestry to the likes of Mecklenburg aka Germany, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, the Baltic States, to yes, the Scandinavian Countries of Sweden & Norway.
That means, 'we' are all in some shape or manner, a part of the former Germanic Tribes of Europe, and sometimes, that german blood comes out, and rears its ugly head.
My dad, Gary Zitterch once said, "He spells his name G-A-R-Y, and not G-O-D."
That statement should mean a lot to us, for it means, "We" are all human by nature, and we often make mistakes, and we often say things about ourselves, each other, that we do not always mean.
And folks, throughout this entire discussion, that is not further from the truth, things are being said that we cannot control, but as we hear them, especially about ourselves, we take offense to them.
We cannot lose focus here, this is about "Saving the Animals"
We as residents of West Sioux Falls, a vast wilderness stretching from from Prairie Avenue in the far east, to Sertoma Avenue in the far west, and from 60th Street in the Far North, to 60th Street in the Far South - "WE" are an Agricultural, type Family by Ancestry.
The Area of West Sioux is one large Natural WIldlife Refuge.
Just look at how the Big Sioux River once traveled all throughout the region, and search for, and locate all the springs, and creeks that flow or begin throughout the region as well...
We Got to Stand United in Effort, and Faith if we are going to "Save the Brockhouse Animals, and preserve their legacy in this community.
We Owe the Following People of West Sioux Falls for their Efforts:
First, to Greg Neitzert, he alerted all of us of the City's intent to destroy, or sell, or transfer these Animals to other organizations. Thus potentially splitting them up in million pieces forever. Greg as our Elected Leader of "West Sioux Falls'' - has the passion to lead us in the future, he has chaired committees, has been a leader on the City Council, and has resilience in times of adversity like no other before him. And above all, he does his research, to best understand, and find solutions to future problems of the city.
Second, we owe a gratitude to the people of whom stepped forward on September 5th, who followed Greg's lead on speaking in defense of the Henry Brockhouse Animals, giving to them, a strong united voice before the Governing Body.
And Thirdly, there is myself, who has oftentimes spoken out in defense of our City History, our Political Culture, and of the People that make up Sioux Falls. I, myself, have played a part in trying to, attempting to find resolve to this growing concern in the community, to which we all love, and admire West Sioux Falls.
We each have the same goal in mind, "We" want to Find a way, a reason, and a solution to ensure our future generations will have the same chances to study, explore, and research these Animals.
I cannot speak for Greg, nor anyone else, however, "WE" are all a part of West Sioux Falls, either based on residency, or by means of our businesses, and we all have made a valiant attempt to speak out, and defend the Henry Brockhouse Legacy.
Each in our own way, and form, and sometimes things get said that we absolutely do not mean, but that is the "passion" that comes out in us, and we each have the passion to find resolve.
You have all heard me say so often -
"Community defines a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common, of which they enjoy a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. A Chronicle is defined as a chronological record of events; a history of the people, and their community with a goal to record in or as in a chronicle."
And that could not be better said for how the West Sioux Falls Community has come out so strong today, in an effort to "Save the Henry Brockhouse Family Animals"...
I want to take this time to personally thank all the men and women for their constant efforts in this public matter, but not to take away from our own personal beliefs, we must all remember, "WE ARE FAMILY".
- Mike Zitterich Sioux Falls Community Chronicle
The Petition
In the name of the People of the City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, We are calling forth the Qualified Electors of the City to come forward, and organize, to Sign on to bring to a future Citywide Election, the means to instruct the City Government, to change course, and rethink it’s position.
Within the City itself, and under the County of Minnehaha County, ‘we’ are broken down into precincts, and each of those precincts have at least two persons of whom are elected by a small group of voters, called Precinct Committeemen and Women.
We are calling forth, both Democrat, and Republicans, to organize together, to hold Independent Town Hall Meetings, with the goal of discussing the public matter, the ability to find some resolve, in saving the Henry Brockhouse Family Taxidermy.
Together, we can act as one group of people under the the City of Sioux Falls, to petition each other, to place an Initiated Ordinance on a future public ballot. One of which instructs the Governing Body of which way to proceed forward, and to direct future public policy of the “City” itself in the years ahead.
It is really that simple, but the job at hand is going to become a long, drawn out fight.
The inner makings of the local bureaucracy has grown stronger with each passing day, and if we are to achieve our goal, we must present ourselves, as a United Group of Concerned Citizens of the City of Sioux Falls, to whom are willing to fight for what we believe, desire, and want in the years ahead, and in the words of our Preamble,
We the people of Sioux Falls, in order to establish a more representative and ef ective city government, do adopt this Charter in accordance with the Home Rule power granted in Article IX of the Constitution of South Dakota.
And under Article Six, Section 6.03, the powers of initiative and referendum are hereby reserved to the electors of the city. The provisions of the election law of the State of South Dakota, as they currently exist or may hereafter be amended or superseded, shall govern the exercise of the powers of initiative and referendum under this charter.

The Initiated Ordinance
The Residents of the City of Sioux Falls hereby direct the City to not surplus theBrockhouse Taxidermy, while further directing the City to Preserve and Refurbish the Brockhouse Taxidermy, to which the city shall preserve ownership and displayed publicly, the animal mounts commonly known as the Delbridge collection. And while further directing the Governing Body of the City to make annual appropriations to fund a permanent home for the Brockhouse Taxidermy of which shall remain within the city limits at the Great Plains Zoo or another city owned property at the discretion of the governing board. While further adopting future policy to permanently provide for the ongoing maintenance and repairs and of which upholds the original gifting agreement made by C.J Delbridge as reasonably and to the extent to which fulfills the wishes and desires of the Henry Brockhouse Family, and nothing hereby shall change these terms without a confirmed vote of the qualified voters of the City.
The Origins of the City of Sioux Falls, S.D
The origins of the Town of Sioux Falls were first founded when a Group of People, known as the Western Town Company purchased a "charter" from the State of Iowa, utilizing the 1841 Preemption Act, a settlement act of which allowed early Americans to lay claim to, purchase and obtain a land patent to 160 or 320 acres of land - of which this specific Group of People did so, with the intent to establish the Village of Sioux Falls to be located south of 3rd Street, but north of 7th Street along the banks of the Big Sioux River, while shortly later, they were conjoined by a second Group of People, known as the Dakota Land Company who arrived in 1862 establishing a Surveyed Township themselves, chartered by the State of Minnesota, establishing Sioux Falls City, which operated south of 7th Street, but north of 10th Street. These two groups of people were land surveyors, businessmen, politicians, pomeranian farmers, and investors, with the goal to populate, coexist within a region commonly known as the Great Bend of the Big Sioux River - a reference point of where the river itself, makes a huge, sweeping "s" curve as it carves its path from the northern regions to the Missouri River. These two communities would lie within the river valley, beneath the two bluffs overlooking the river itself, as well as a series of waterfalls nearby.
By 1972, the Townships of the Town of Sioux Falls, East Sioux Falls, West Sioux Falls, and South Sioux Falls came together to form the Municipality of Sioux Falls.
Sioux Falls Community Chronicle
Mike Zitterich - (605) 376-0527
A Conceptual Plan
Can We Create a Concept that Provides:
- Camping
- Lodging
- Natural Wildlife Activities, and Preservation of Nature, Green Space, and Animals
- Family & Youth Activities
- Preservation of the Natural History of Sioux Falls
- Provides After-School Childcare Services/Learning
Create A New Business Improvement District:
Explore Sioux Falls
Business Improvement District
Model it in the Same Manner as Experience Sioux Falls
- Allows the City to Establish a 501-c3 Organization
- Establishes a B.I.D Governing Board of Directors to Manage the District Create an Imposition Tax (or Fee) on Specific Activity within the District, to Provide Revenues for Activities, Services, Programs, Buildings, Infrastructures
- Promote, Advertize, and Market Natural Wildlife, Nature, Natural History, and Family and Youth Outdoor Activities
- Raise Awareness, and Promote Historical Places of Sioux Falls
- Establish Camping and Lodging Park’s within the District, both Public and Private Facilities, Generating Revenues for Park & Recreation
The Center Attraction
Henry Brockhouse
Family Museum of Natural Wildlife & History
- We Must Adopt an Ordinance that Accomplishes the Following:
- Does Not Surplus the Delbridge Museum Taxidermy Collection
- Directs City Government to Refurbish, Preserve, Maintain Ownership
- Maintain Public Displays of Taxidermy on All Public Property
- Directs City Council to Fund Permanent Home of Taxidermy
- Keep the Taxidermy Within City Limits @ Zoo or Other Public Places
- Honors the Gifting Agreement as Established by C.J Delbridge
- Preserves, and Protects the Henry Brockhouse Family Desires, Memory
Under the City of Sioux Falls
Parks and Recreation
The Mission: To enhance the quality of life by providing safe and enjoyable experiences through people, programs, places, and partnerships.
Vision: To provide a comprehensive mix of high-quality parks and recreation programs, facilities, and services that contribute to a quality of life that is unparalleled in the region.
- Adding the Organization Explore Sioux Falls as the City’s third Business Improvement District leads to, and Markets the City as the lead Destination for Travelers, Campers, and Nature Lovers;
- Promotes the Historical Places of Sioux Falls;
- Markets the Natural Resources, Wildlife, and Natural Amenities throughout the City of Sioux Falls;
- Provides a More Family, and Recreational Fun Activity Marketing one of the Largest Private Collection of Taxidermy in the United States, for All to Enjoy!
In Closing
Our Very Own City of Sioux Falls lies Within a Natural Wildlife, and Nature Area Theme Park for All to Enjoy - Take Advantage of it.
- Mike Zitterich Resident of Sioux Falls, S.D