How A Foreign Born People Stole the American Republic

In 1913, the Bankers gained control of the U.S Monetary System to which Congress gave away their power to print currency, thanks to a contract made with the Bankers in 1893, these bankers by contract would purchase Federal Treasury Bonds, the sell them to their investors, to whom would by means of the Federal Reserve Bank, loan back to the Federal Govt at a high interest rate, to which pays off the investors.

Little do Americans understand, nearly 20 years later, these Bankers caused the Federal Government, which acts as a "United States Land Company" aka a corporate entity, to go Insolvent.

Enter the 1933 Federal Emergency Banking Act, which is nothing more than a "Bankruptcy Act". Within this act, the United States Land Company (1871) went insolvent, deals were made to allow the Bankers to collateralize all the Gold, leading a charge to strip America of all rights to its gold, removing from the People, their "Sovereignty".

The next 'act' made by Congress says it all, the 1933 Gold Reduction Act was an act adopted, to which stripped all Americans from ever using GOLD as a currency, it would now be illegal to hold gold in private hands, with the intent to deposit it in banks, let alone depositories. Under the act, the president would force millions of Americans to surrender their gold, he would remove as much gold from the land, depositing it in a facility called Fort Knox in order to inventory it, collateralize it, and eventually transfer the gold to the Federal Reserve Bankers...

Under a resolution, they would agree to create trust fund, later to be known as Social Security, which would convince Americans to surrender their American Citizenship, in return for U.S Citizenship, basically enslaving you to the District of Columbia, the United States Land Company, as part of this plan, you would be forced to pay a "Tax" levied on your net income, to be deposited into this trust fund, to which they told you, would earn a measly 1% gain, upon retirement, you may get that money back (there was no promise made).

By doing this, under the terms of the resolution, Congress stripped all of your "Property Rights" to your person, forcing you to apply for, and obtain a Birth Certificate in the States, to which the States would by contract surrender them to the Federal Government to whom would use them as collateral to sell on the "market' in order to borrow more money from the Federal Reserve...

You today, own NO Sovereign Property Rights to person, land, real property, tangible property, etc. They convinced you to surrender your Land Patents, your deeds became "tax deeds", your private marriages became property of the State by means of the Marriage License, and your Automobile then becomes property of the State due to you giving up the ownership, now you hold a "Certificate" to that vehicle, showing that a 'real title' exists, and your Home is also owned by the State....

Worse, your Intangible Property Rights to your name, person, labor are now owned by the Federal Government all thanks to your signature under the Social Security Act. (read the law man).

All this would not had been possible prior to 1860, prior to a Group of Foreign Born, British Americans began to lead a coup against the American Government, paving way for the Bank of London to gain control of your very own 'government' to whom became a Corporation, to which later on after the so called Civil War, created a United States Land Company, to which would owned and operated by British Actors.

The Period of 1860 to 1880 saw the first Expansion of the Federal Government over the States, while the Period between 1930 to 1950 saw the second greatest expansion of the Federal Government upon the States.

  • They first had to Steal the Republic from the American People, this was the intent of the Civil War (1860 to 1880);
  • And finally, once they gained control, they contracted All Americans, all those "Americans" not yet enslaved to the "U.S Govt' by means of the following acts"
  • 1933 Federal Emergency Banking Act,
  • 1933 Gold Reduction Act
  • 1935 Social Security Act
  • 1938 Federal Minimum Wage Act
  • 1939 Public Salary Tax Act
  • 1942 Victory Tax Act (private income tax - Patriot Tax), repealed,
  • 1954 Internal Revenue Tax Act (amending the '39 act)
  • 1967 Medicare and Medicaid Tax Acts,
  • 1972 Expansion of the Social Security Act to include Survivor Benefits, Disability Payments, 'stealing your retirement savings'
  • 1973 Removed the United States completely off the Gold Standard,
  • 1986 Under Reagan, they Amended the "Tax Code" again to contract lower income Americans by creating 3 Additional Tax Tables...
  • 1993 the North American Fair Trade Act was adopted, removing American Businesses off shores, allowing for foreign countries, persons, actors to use cheap labor, to sell back to the United States...
  • In 2002 they passed the Patriot Act removing the American Citizens Right to Privacy, giving to the United States Govt the ability to issue warrants without a court order, etc,
  • 2010, they passed the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare thus entrapping Americans to a "tax" if they choose not to purchase Health Insurance.

We have been very much deceived, mainly because of John D. Rockefeller, they completely hijack,and steal the States right to manage their Public Education System, they control the media today, and they use Hollywood to perpetrate to Americans all they want you to know, and hear.

Wake Up America!